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    The political climate in the US is one that has been heating up recently. In light of the Black Lives Matter movement, the presidential election, and the pandemic, we are looking at politicians for change more than ever. We’re often hearing people say “change is on the horizon”, as they march down the streets of their city demanding justice. This powerful year has proven to be a trying time in everyone’s lives. While we all so desperately seek justice, it is difficult to see that light at the end of the tunnel. This unrelenting need for justice, change, and equality that our nation is feeding on can be fueled by one thing – voting. It’s no surprise that since the age of 18, many of us have grown up hearing about how “voting is our civic duty”, how “each vote counts”. Now, more than ever, these statements ring true. The question is, are you going to vote?

    The unanimous answer, I hope, would be “yes”. With the presidential election around the corner, and state / local elections among us, we must harbor the same enthusiasm for voting as if we were voting for the first time. With Generation Z, Millennials, and Generation X, making up more votes than generations before, it’s more crucial now than ever, to turn out and VOTE.

    Here are 3 integral ways that politics affect you:

    Voting people into office means voting their policies into your life.

    Local and State elections are just as important as federal elections, especially since the politicians in your backyard impact critical decisions in funding, real estate, and education. Skipping your local and state elections means giving up your say on what happens within your community!

    Every vote really does count.

    A common misconception is that your vote does not count within the electoral system for a state that is historically blue/red. False! Your vote, no matter your geographical location, is important and is tallied. 

    What you are passionate about translates to real action by the right politician.

    Above all, political awareness on social media stemming from twitter, to instagram, to real life has claimed younger generations stepping up in the name of injustice and fighting for equality. Another way to fight for equality is through voting. By voting you can help elect a politician that would reallocate funds, improve neighborhoods, and fight for justice alongside you. 

    If you are looking for a reminder to vote, this is it! Remember that your vote is an integral part of our future, both nationwide and statewide. We cannot sit back and regret the problem without making every attempt to be part of the solution instead. Take active part in your future and VOTE!